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Mamma Mia 2 Here We Go Again Tumblr

Harmless Fun - Graham Coxon 10 Reader

Summary: Graham agrees to a date at the funfair with the reader. (I imagined 2020/21 Graham whilst writing this, but yous can view him however y'all similar.)

Requested by: Anon - who wanted to run into an older introverted Graham with an extroverted reader - I put a little spin on this with Graham coming out of his beat more throughout. I hope I did the idea justice!

Warnings: None.

Word Count: 2.8k


Among the extravagant rides, flashing lights and hundreds of people, Graham and I seem and so small. Nosotros link arms as we walk into the funfair, exchanging a couple pounds each for fluorescent orange paper wristbands and glow-in-the-nighttime hand stamps shaped like goldfish. Graham's smudges across his duke a picayune and we both brand fun of the distorted icon on his skin. "That'south a very chubby goldfish." I giggle, tracing the outline of it with my finger then comparison it to my own.

"No, yours is just starving. Look!" Graham points at my stamp, rubbing his finger over information technology to endeavor and smudge it. It doesn't budge and I express joy mockingly before tugging on his hand to drag him farther down the gravelled entryway.

We reach a red arch covered in bright lights, mimicking a stereotypical dressing room mirror, like the kind yous'd see in a picture show. Graham and I spend the next couple of minutes dodging couples and families taking photos, the repetitive sounds of phone cameras clicking and flashes going off. Coming to a halt, I pull Graham to the side and grab my film camera from my tote bag. I wiggle it in front end of his confront, donning the classic puppy dog eyes to try and become my style. "Y/N…" He starts, taking the camera from my hand. "There's so many people hither. We tin can take a photo inside."

"But this is such a nice spot! It's so bright and sparkly. It'll make such a pretty picture, Gra." I beg, batting my eyelashes like a spoilt toddler. He sighs, winding upward the camera and belongings down the wink push button until information technology lights up. I clap my hands together happily, giving him a quick side-hug before shuffling to the middle of the arch. "Enquire him to take the photo." I whisper, gesturing towards a man stood nearby. Graham shakes his head, holding the photographic camera up to his face.

"Let me take one of you."

"You're just making excuses not to be in the picture!" I whine, my hands on my hips as I stare into the lens. Graham unexpectedly presses the button, the flash communicable me off guard. "Hey! I wasn't set."

"Just yous were posing." He teases, winding the camera again. I milk shake my head, laughing as I link artillery with him and lead him away.

"You notwithstanding owe me a photo after." I huff, grabbing the camera and tucking it back into my handbag.

Graham chuckles, giving me a kiss on the temple and whispering in my ear, "I win." I playfully slap his chest and he gasps, pretending it hurts. "Don't hit the former man."

"Y'all're not an old man!" I protestation, standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He smiles, unlinking our artillery to wrap his around my shoulder. He pulls me close and I settle into his side and then perfectly, information technology's almost like I was made specifically to be there. "Thank you for agreeing to this." I say quietly, my arm lazily slung around his dorsum, holding onto his denim jacket.

"Well, you lot were very persuasive." He taunts, prodding me in the upper arm and earning himself another slap to the chest.

"Graham! Don't say that in public."

"Say what?"

"That! People volition hear you."

"Oh, they don't know what I'thousand talking most." He teases, leaning downward to kiss my caput. "You lot always know how to get your ain manner with me." His mitt slides further upwardly my arm and onto my shoulder, gently massaging information technology. My eyes flutter closed involuntarily and Graham hums, the sound so smug it snaps me out of my daydream. He knows exactly what that damn shoulder matter does to me. I bat his hand away and point to the carousel which is the beginning ride we come across.

"You lot were maxim something virtually me getting my own way?" I slip from his grasp and run to make it line.

"Y/N! The carousel… really?"

"Come on! Information technology'll be fun."

Graham looks around, clearly worried or bothered virtually something. I get out the line before anybody joins behind me and go back over to him. "What's wrong?" I ask, hands resting on either side of his arms.

"I'm just - I don't know. We'll stick out similar a pair of sore thumbs on there." He scratches his head, looking past me at the people climbing onto the brightly painted horses.

"Who cares?" I whisper, leaning closer to him and pressing a lite osculation to his nose, before rubbing my nose against his. His glasses graze my face and I pull away, swiping his lenses with my sleeve to brand sure I don't leave any smudges behind. "Shall we?" I ask, holding out my hand to him.

He's quiet for a moment, giving the carousel one last look before his optics come back to meet mine. I grin hopefully, my manus still apartment awaiting his to connect with it. He sighs and takes my hand, pushing his spectacles up onto his nose with the other. "Alright. Simply I'm having that greyness horse at that place."

Graham's equus caballus is on the left, closer to the center of the ride. I take the white horse abreast him and concur onto the gold pole with one hand, the other all the same in Graham's. He looks at me and smiles shyly as the ride begins to beginning, a corny rendition of ABBA's 'Mamma Mia' playing on what sounds like an organ. We both roll our eyes and I listen out for the chorus, joining in with it. Graham bows his head, laughing quietly as I sing the lyrics at the top of my lungs, bopping from side to side and nodding my caput to the music. "Why, why did I always let you go? Mamma Mia! At present I really know - my my, I should not accept let you lot go!" I sing, letting go of the ride to pretend I have a microphone in my hand. Graham leans over and grabs my wrist, pressing my hand dorsum onto the pole.

"Hold on!" He shouts over the music and my tone deafened singing. I wink him an apologetic grinning, cheekily blowing him a kiss and carrying on with the song. As the melody fades to an cease, then does the ride. He jumps downwards from his horse and helps me off of mine. We head down the stairs and stand up beside the ride control box where Graham stops to gear up my pilus, moving a piece out of my face and smoothing the rest with his palms. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Very much so!" I grin, staring up at Graham whose face is lit upwards past the carousel. His optics grab the low-cal and I tin't aid just smile at just how cute he looks. The slight salt and pepper color of his hair is more visible and I reach my manus upwardly to run it through his fringe. "You're then pretty, Graham."


"That's what I said."

His gaze struggles to run into mine and I tin can't help the giggle that passes through my lips. "Look at you lot getting all embarrassed! Is that a blush I run into on your cheeks?" I tease, poking his cheek with my finger.

"Stop it…" He says, his voice small-scale and unbelievably ambrosial. I wrap my arms effectually him to give him a hug, resting my cheek against his chest. He hugs me back, his mentum resting on my head as we slowly sway nether the lights. "Are you hungry?" He finally asks and I nod.

We head over to the food stalls and I find a bench, grabbing my scarf from my purse and laying it across the seat earlier sitting downwardly. Graham stands, looking at the dissimilar options. "What do you fancy?" He asks, leaning down and property onto my shoulders, his face hovering next to mine as I read the banner of each stall.

"I'll only have some fries. Can we go donuts afterward?"

"Of class we can become donuts afterward." He plants a kiss on my cheek and heads over to go the food, leaving me to salvage our seats. Taking the camera from my pocketbook, I sneakily snap a picture of Graham equally he waits for our orders. His attending is focused on something in the distance so he doesn't notice the 3 clicks of the camera flash. Ane photo is never plenty when information technology comes to Graham. Fifty-fifty if I filled a thousand albums with pictures of him, I'd still want to go far a thousand and one.

He's back in no fourth dimension with an extra large tray of chips and a bunch of sauce packets in his hand. He dumps the sauces on the table, putting downwardly the food and untucking ii cans of lemonade from under his arm. "I didn't know if you'd want ketchup or mustard so I just got both." He shrugs, sliding onto the bench beside me and trigger-happy open a sachet of ketchup. He makes a space on the tray and empties the sauce out, wasting no time and tucking into the fries. I do the same merely with mustard, and we assume a comfortable silence as we eat. The action continues around united states of america as various songs play at each ride, all muddling into i and mixing with people's squeals and screams. The odour of different foods surrounds us and well-nigh tempts me into trying more, only I resist. We clean the tray of fries pretty quickly and make up one's mind to walk effectually, cans of lemonade still in hand every bit nosotros explore the fairground more than.

We spend the next xx minutes making conversation about everything we spot effectually the off-white. In that location's stalls of handmade crafts and gifts which is something neither of usa have ever seen earlier at an event like this. I curiosity at the array of trinkets and lovingly crafted items, pointing things out to Graham that I call back he might like. I come up across a watercolour painting of a human playing the guitar, his silhouette illuminated by the dark'south sky as he perches on the edge of a dock like a fisherman. The item in the motion-picture show is spectacular, every brush stroke purposeful in making the painting perfect. I scuttle to Graham who's a couple of stalls over and bring him over to show him the painting. I watch as his eyes low-cal up like headlights in the snow, and we both look at each other with beaming smiles on our faces. No words need to be exchanged for usa to combine some money and buy the picture. The artist carefully wraps the canvas in tissue paper before tucking it into a strong cardboard box. I thank her and she thanks us right back for supporting her work. We look at a few other things before continuing on our walk.

"This'll expect corking in your studio, Graham." I enthuse, holding tightly onto the box. "Although I practise wish you lot would've let me buy it for you."

"Information technology's not just my painting, it's ours." He states simply, taking my hand and bringing it to his confront to kiss the back of my knuckles. A rush of heat spikes up my neck and onto my cheeks, and my gaze falls to the basis like a lovesick rom-com graphic symbol.

As nosotros walk, Graham gets onto the topic of fairground mini games and how they're rigged to make more than coin and take barely any winners. It'south hard not to laugh at his rambling, and I tease him for being so uptight about it. "I'chiliad non uptight! It'south the truth!"

"Information technology's for kids, Graham."

"Exactly! Which is why it shouldn't be such a scam. It'due south non fair for kids to keep losing." As he speaks, I spot a Claw-A-Duck game and grab his arm to stop him. He notices the stall and frowns, his expression the complete opposite of the ear-to-ear grinning taking over my face.

"Continue, Gra! Take a go!" I chime, wrapping my arms around his left arm like a koala bear fastened to a tree. "That stuffed panda up there looks like he needs a home."

"That stuffed panda is as well big to be a existent prize, Y/Northward. You'll be lucky if I win that plastic snake down there."

"It's worth a shot."

I pull him towards the game, handing money to the woman at the counter. She easily me the rod and I turn to Graham, thrusting it into his grasp. "You weren't kidding." He says, reluctantly taking it.


He aims the claw towards the brightest yellow duck in the middle of the h2o. His grip is a little shaky and he misses the first couple of tries, simply he eventually gets it. The worker grabs the duck and turns it over to show a big blackness star on the bottom of it. Graham drops the rod and looks at me, embarrassment covering his face every bit the big stuffed panda deport is brought downward from the height shelf and handed over to united states. "Congratulations! Y'all found the g prize duck." The worker cheers, pushing the bear towards Graham. He awkwardly thanks her, picking up the oversized plush toy and carrying information technology over to the nearest demote.

I tin can't contain my laughter every bit he stares at the bear, ane hand on his hip and the other scratching his head. "Well, this is ridiculous."

"He'southward cute!" I bleat, sitting downward and cuddling the panda close. "I'thousand going to name him Leslie."

"Very funny." Graham quips, trying hard not to smile merely I can see the smirk beginning to tug at the corners of his rima oris. I give the teddy bear another large squeeze, encouraging the grin to finally surface on Graham's more than than perfect face. "You lot're lucky you're cute."

"Who? Me or the behave?" I raise my eyebrows and he moves closer to me, bending downwards to press a gentle buss to my lips. I grab him by his jacket and pull him closer, causing him to stumble a little and most autumn on pinnacle of me. He steadies his feet, kissing me again, his hand cupping my cheek. For a second it feels like we're the only people there, until the screams of those on the dodgems pull u.s. out of our individual moment. We both jump at the sound, Graham'south cheeks turning slightly pink before he buries his face up in my neck.

"Expect at us snogging at the fair like a pair of teenagers." He mumbles, his hair tickling my pare equally he talks. I find his shoulders and button him to stand straight, continuing with him.

"Oh, let them stare! I'k not embarrassed and neither should you be." I encourage, embracing him in a hug and fluttering kisses along his jaw. He squirms a petty and complains most being ticklish, moving his head around to endeavour and dodge me. He slips abroad and grabs the panda bear, throwing it onto his shoulders similar a parent carrying their child, or a festival-goer balancing their drunken friend. I laugh, tossing our empty cans into the bin before linking my arm with his once over again.

With a giant blimp carry in tow, it becomes increasingly more difficult to get on rides and discover somewhere rubber to get out it. We settle on the ferris wheel, sitting beside 1 another with the panda facing us. Graham stays close, his arm wrapped tightly around me equally we go up into the air and await downward on the view of the funfair every bit well as the city around us. "Lamentable we didn't get to do much. Encarmine stupid conduct." Graham scoffs, gesturing to the mountain of stuffing and false fur occupying the opposite seat.

"I don't listen. I've had a lovely time." I rest my head on his shoulder, reaching over to concord his hand. His fingers entwine with mine, his thumb rubbing circles over the back of my hand as we listen to the faint sounds of the music below u.s.. "I'm really glad we agreed to exercise date nights more regularly."

"Me likewise, but I'chiliad planning the adjacent ane. Preferably somewhere with fewer screaming people."

"Here's me thinking you enjoyed the company of overexcited strangers." I joke, nuzzling my nose into his neck and inhaling the addictive scent of his cologne. He rubs his cheek against my head like a cat showing amore.

"I'd savour having you to myself much more."

"And so it'due south a date." I giggle, kissing his cheek and feeling his brusk stubble tickle my upper lip. He turns his head for his lips to run into mine, kissing me equally we both mumble "I dearest you"s against one some other's mouths.

Graham is the start to pull away, slouching in his seat and slipping his hand into my pocketbook. He pulls out the camera and smiles at me. "How about nosotros accept that photo together now?"
